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AutorenbildSamira Ammann

what vacations change in us and why we should give ourselves these feelings every day.

Feels like winter is not coming to an end &

maybe you feel the same like we do.

We miss the sun kissing our faces & the energy that comes with it.

That’s why we would love to share our reminders with you, that we set ourselves after our last trip.

Jamaikanische Palmen im Sonnenlicht
Five Gables, Jamaica

6 reasons why we feel so incredibly comfortable while traveling & why we can give ourselves this feeling everyday, anywhere:


being surrounded by people taking their time, deliberately to appreciate the world & people around them & not taking everything too serious.


Admiring the beauty around us - being happy with what we have which is everything to enjoy but nothing to exploit. Seeing the beauty in small things.


A place to calm down to let the mind just be: Living a easy going instead of a on-rush lifestyle.

Glückliche Frau am Strand in Negril Jamaika
Negril, Jamaica


A place where you can just simply be you. Where you get to know your unique meaning of freedom in new ways.


Where good food & good company is seen as a celebration - not as something that has to be done quickly in between. Where you dedicate time to pause, enjoy & take a coffee.


Smiles wherever you are whenever you can.

If we start looking for the bright side of life & find joy of life in it - we can share not only sunshine with others but we will also become that sunshine back.

For you maybe it’s just A reminder you need in this rainy time! For us it was motivation to create A Small Café.

Let’s see what you recognice from it, the next time you visit us.

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